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Congratulations to WATER-THIRST for winning our Q1 vote

Water-Thirst has worked hard starting this organization. It is a full time job, they do in their spare time. Zack, Lana's son, co-founder and Lana the founder do not take a salary. They work two jobs; one to get paid in the fashion world and the other to give a future to people that do not have access to clean water. They were discouraged by people, that said you shouldn’t be doing this job- due to lack of time and experience. At that moment Lana almost quit and began to believe maybe "I don’t qualify." Then, the treasurer Glenn, spoke hope and said, “Lana look what Water-Thirst has done just with the time you gave to your does makes a difference.” Even through the good times you can only talk about the need so long, before you started to believe no one cares. Then hope was spoken again. Zack, said to Lana, “Mom you can’t make this decision to quit until you've seen our accomplishments through everyone’s support.”So Lana went to Kenya, She learned that their donation could make a huge change in the lives of the most precious children. Water-Thirst donors have built a rain cache system that supplies water for Naomi’s Village-vegetable crops. It gave her great joy to see the vegetable garden so tall and healthy. Zack said "last year the garden was not even here and now some of the plants are as tall as me."

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